Wth is happening to my body!

Hannah • 5 beautiful children 14 angel babies pregnant and shooting for #6: the last one
So I got 2 bfp one yesterday one this morning on frer. I go to the doctor today she informs me that my hcg was 2. Which means I'm not pregnant. I'm a week late!! I told her all this that I'm a week late I have had 2 positives and that I am having signs of pregnancy. She said it could still be super early and that maybe I ovulated later than I thought and if i didnt get AF in a few days to go back to the doctor. So here I am at home just going over every scenario possible. Go to the bathroom. Realize I haven't done cm position or check today. Well its high firm closed. Suprise suprise. Then I get the strangest discharge. It's white and clumpy but very mushy like yogurt. Ugh! Wth is all this? Does anyone have any insight????