Rude comments

✨Vanessa✨ • 💋🌟😊
Has anyone else had rude comments by family members? I will be moving to a new state in a couple of months and will be going for a house hunting trip for 3 days. I asked my mother in law if she can come and stay with our kids while we go. As we were having our conversation I told her i needed to start pumping now so she can have enough milk while I'm gone. She said "why do you still breastfeed her? I didn't with mine and they're perfectly healthy" it really pissed me off and I told her that that's because I wanted to. I just feel like she doesn't support my decision and I'm afraid she will give my daughter formula while I'm gone. (Not that formula is bad, for for 3 days straight she might not take my milk after that) 😢😤😱😡 
And also does anyone have any tips for flying with a baby? She'll be 4 months old when we move.