Strange symptom 3 weeks after early MC freaking out :(

Rebecca • Happy!
Had a natural MC at 5 weeks March 28/29 then had a full 4 day period after it. Had a blood test and HCG levels were negative a week later. My doctor's nurse said there wasn't any medical reason not to try this month so a few days after my period we BD'ed for a few weeks off and on. The first time we BD'ed after my MC, I had a few little spots of blood. After that it was fine. I had a positive OPK 4/12. A few days after we took a BD break. Then this past Wednesday, 7 DPO, we BD'ed for fun and I had a little drop of brownish blood right after. No more bleeding since then. But the past few days the lower abdomen feels like it's burning on and off. Like the inside is on fire. It's not THAT painful but it's strange. I had a similar feeling the week before my MC. If I have a 27 day cycle AF is due Sunday.
Would love thoughts on what this could be or if I should be concerned!!!! :(