
I started seeing my doctor on week 5+4 days. After 3 miscarriages she put me on progesterone even before she got the results back that they were extremely low. She had me come in for weekly ultrasounds, we saw the heartbeat at week 6+5 day, then heard the heartbeat week 7 and 8. Only to find out yesterday that only 3 days after that last scan my babies heart stopped beating. I just can't understand why. Is there any hope at all for another baby, I don't even know if I can try again this is killing me and my husband. The loss prior to this was at week 11, it was a missed miscarriage the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, we never heard the heartbeat for that one, it was a year ago last month. Now this loss, we didn't announce this time after the last loss we wanted to wait till after the second trimester. So most of my support isn't even aware of the pain I am going through. I think I want to have a DNC not sure I can go through another month or more of this on my own. Β  I think I just needed to put it out there and get it off my chest. Crying all day today, knowing the baby I have dreamed of for 10 years has died and still inside of me. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­