Question about ectopic pregnancy.

For anybody who has had one. Did the pregnancy test show a very obvious positive? That sounds stupid I know, but 3 weeks ago I had 3 very very very faint positive tests. My period was 3 days late but then showed up pretty heavily for 4 days. I took a digital afterwards and it was negative so I chalked it up to a chemical pregnancy . I've noticed since then on and off ill get these twinge-y pains in my right ovary (the side I always ovulate on) and now I'm getting concerned that maybe it's an ectopic and that soon enough I'll be in excruciating pain. I tested for a week and my lines never progressed, then after I bled the digital was negative. I could be overly nervous but I thought I would ask as I'm wondering if maybe an ectopic doesn't show a blaring positive test as a pregnancy in uterus. Oh and also about 9 days ago I went to get birth control, I had to take a test but they never called. So I'm just assuming that test was negative also.  Thanks for any feedback and sorry this is kind of confusing