What to do

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.
I know it's a gamble posting this when you all tend top be unpredictable, but i need to vent. My daughter's father and I have finally officially gone or separate ways. He isn't over me and he told me that he will eventually come back and try and fix things so we can be together, but he loves his ex-girlfriend, and we both realized that its best he find himself before we do anything because we will just keep hurting each other. I understand that this is what best. And this is why i haven't gone over top try and convince hon otherwise and why I haven't messaged him begging him to reconsider. But it hurts so suffocatingly much. I've spent 4 years win him abs we had a cold together. I don't want top just say good bye, I don't even know that he'll ever come back. But i know this is something that needs to happen. I can't sleep I'm crying I'm stressed i don't want to do anything and I just want him to hug me and say everything will be ok. But it won't happen. I don't know if I can do this. I feel kinda like maybe I'm going about this wrong and we need to be around each other or it won't work. Plus there's Anya, we both want her top be one of the kids who don't live in a broken home. Plus we figured therapy would help our situation. So what should we do. Do we go our separate ways and hope for the best or should w try and fix things with therapy for ourselves and Anya?

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