Heterosexual Bias


I just read a comment where someone used the phrase "heterosexual bias" in reference to this app. In my opinion I could care less who you go to bed with at night,however when it comes to fertility let's be honest with ourselves.... it takes what the man makes and what the woman makes to make a baby and that's spermies and eggs no matter HOW you get them together(fertility doc, sperm banking, Turkey basting, or p2v) those are the ingredients to make a baby and there isn't a gluten free, sugar free or any other substitute for good Ole sperm and eggs. lmao!

So my question for you all is: With an app like Glow should there be a provision or option to choose if you are homosexual or heterosexual or is the app fine the way it is?

Again please do not come for me cause like I said I have no opinion either way! I just want to know what yall think.

Leave the negative comments at the door and let's have an open, honest, and real conversation. Our world is made up of all kinds of people... so should an app originally made for heterosexual couples be inclusive of all couples or is it fine the way it is?