Ohss and abdomen tap

So I was supposed to have my official beta Monday 4/25/16 but ended up heading to the hospital yesterday 4/22. Since my egg retrieval, I've had horrible abdominal swelling, making it hard to walk and even breath. I'm a fit girl, always in shape and healthy- so I had no room for this excess swelling.
Back to going to the hospital, they ended up draining 3 liters of liquid from my stomach. It's still a bit distended and now misshapen. The cool news is, they were able to tell I was pregnant 3 days early! 
I had a 5 day transfer, honestly my doctors should have put it off with the level of my swelling and pain... But that is hind sight.
I am still in a lot of pain from my abdomen being stretched out, the site of the drainage, and those damn progesterone in oil injections!
Has anyone else had anything like this happen? I was warned that my abdomen could fill with fluid again. I'm so nervous for this, the tapping was pretty painful, and the build up was just awful too! 
It just doesn't seem real yet that I am truly pregnant. I have another beta in 2 days. It will become more real to me then.