How many embryos did you get?

Starlight • Expecting a miracle baby after a long road!
     Just did our first <a href="">IVF</a> Egg Retrieval. A little discouraged by the low percentage of eggs that became embryos on Day 1. Worried that we won't have one to transfer on Day 5. Anyone else have similar (or lower) numbers and still had an embryo to transfer? Was it good quality? Did it stick?
     Of the 15 eggs retrieved, 9 were mature enough to fertilize. Of those 9, only 5 fertilized normally with ICSI. The embryologist said she expects only half of those to be normal and growing by the day 5 transfer. So we are hoping there will still be 2-3 by Day 5. We will transfer 1 and hope to have 1-2 to freeze for FET.