I'm so confused with the my cycle :'(

So, since deciding to try for another baby and having my implant removed last November my cycles have been all over the place. Tracking from January my cycles have been 30 days, 29 days, 25 days and according to glow my period was due today (no sign) I have no idea how it has predicted today so I'm not going to class myself as 'late'. Am I to assume glow is guessing my fertile window as my cycles are so irregular. I haven't purchased ovulation packs yet as I wanted to see if we could spontaneously conceive (wouldn't that be wonderful!) as for me all this tracking/cm checking etc makes me feel like I'm on a near impossible mission!! I am experiencing some unusual for me symptoms like tender breasts which I have never experienced with AF before and fatigue so I tested and I got a BFN today. I do usually experience cramping before AF which I haven't had yet. Has anyone else experience such erratic cycles since having the implant removed? If so how long was it until they settled and any trouble conceiving which you think might be related? Tia xx z