How true is the Homemade Pregnancy Test using Bleach? Had anyone tried?

Cheryl Jane

Hi.. Me & husband has been actively TTC since Dec 2014. Like most of us here, I believe TTC is one interesting life journey. Some may filled with tears and frustration, while some may ended up happily, nevertheless it's a STRUGGLE to HAPPYNESS..

Last Feb, I had period twice. One was on early Feb and second on end of Feb. 2 weeks after (during ovulation days) I had light bleeding (about 4 days) and only used panty liners. A week after, I experienced another spotting for 2 days.

I went to check up and scanned, negative results. And today, it is already 61 days passed for my period. Then I met a friend and she shared how she did her homemade pregnancy test using bleach. She is now on her 2nd pregnancy.

I have just tried, and the result was Fizzy (which supposedly means positive).. but I wasn't quite sure if it is reliable.

Had anyone ever tried??