Paragard Moved

Hello ladies,
I have had Paragard for a year, and I never checked the strings until now. They are very close to my vaginal opening, and when I first got it put in, I had to reach far to touch them. I feel that my IUD has moved. This means that I may have not been protected. My husband and I cannot have normal sex, as I have vaginismus. During hand jobs he likes to ejaculate in my bum, and sperm still have the opportunity to come into contact with the vaginal opening. About 5 days ago I got some spotting that was tan and pink, sometimes with a string of pink, but never much. I still have 9 days until my next expected period. I have been cramping and nauseous and the pain is particularly more "twisting" feeling on the right side, and it is fairly constant. I cannot afford to have my IUD placement checked or to have it taken out. I am worried I am pregnant and that I have been experiencing implantation bleeding, but it is still too early, and I am scared that my IUD isn't where it is supposed to be. If I am pregnant, IUD is dangerous and both pregnancy and complications are expensive. My insurance does not cover anything and I am out of ideas as to what I should do.