I want to know more

Kayy • TTC baby #1
Hi! I'm 25 and currently TTC for baby #1 
Last week I had went in for blood work she tested the progesterone and prolactin. 
Levels were low and the dr said I don't ovulate I have a cycle just don't release eggs. My dr said she wanted to start me on Clomid and to let her know the first day of my period which is sometime this week, ok not going to lie when I hung up the phone with her I couldn't hold myself together I cried and cried and have still been very upset at this situation. 
I just wanna know more about clomid and people using it their experience, how long have you been using and for pregnant or not pregnant side effects I want to be able to talk to someone who is on the same road as me. I don't believe everything on google so yes I have read up on it just want personal experience! Thank you