Born 4/8/16 at 11:50pm

Was inducted at 8:30am, got my IV and they started pitocin at about 10, got my epidural at 11, and it was great! Felt a little stinging from the local but nothing after that. I could still move my toes and feet a little but couldn't control my legs at all. Lol. They were like noodles. I was progressing about a cm an hour/hour and a half. And was at 10 at about 9:30pm. Did some practice pushing, and her heart rate would drop. The doctor came and we did some more pushing and he said "well I'm not leaving till there's a baby! Lol" we started really pushing at 11:05, I had to have an episiotomy, and he had to use forceps... I tore completely to my sphincter. She was born at 11:50pm purple and screaming! He spend about 45-hour stitching me up. Hubby was with me the whole way! He did amazing and got some great shots! She is now almost 3 weeks old :)