First cycle of Clomid and confused!!!

Hey everyone!
 I went off BC about 6mo ago and have had irregular periods.  I am currently on my first cycle of Clomid 50mg to stimulate ovulation and regulate my periods while simultaneously using Clearblue Advanced Digital OPK. I received high readings CD8-18 with peak reading yesterday (CD19).  I woke up CD 16 to EWCM and pelvic pain simiar to dull AF cramping. EWCM lasted CD16-18 with cramps and one instance of spotting CD17 when wiping. Yesterday (CD 19) when I received my peak reading CM had changed drastically to very dry and scant and has stayed that way today and I have had no cramping yesterday or today.  My symptom history suggests I ovulated over the weekend, but OPK indicates I indicated yesterday or today.  Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance!