Getting iud out?

I had a pretty rough time getting my iud in the first place. The medication that was supposed to open up my cervix actually made me violently sick at 3 am to where my dad thought I had overdosed on something (he was a narc for 30 years) and was about to take me to the hospital but I didn't want to because I was determined to get that thing in my and that's what I did. However when I got it put in later that day it was the most painful experience I have ever gone through and I was about to throw up and when I went to sit up I almost passed out. Not fun. ANYWAYS I'm about to get it taken out 😭 because eczema has been proven to be a side effect of the skyla (the one I have) and have had a really bad flare up for the past 8 months and I'm starting to scar from scratching. So I'm going to get it taken out and I was wondering how you ladies felt when you got it taken out? If it hurt how bad? If because I had a trip getting it in in the first place do you think I will have an "adventure" getting it out?