Always Trust ur Gut -Birth Story


on the 26th of April at 11.08 I welcomed my screaming beautiful perfect boy into the world. He wasn't due till the 12th of May but thanks to mummys refusal to listen to doctors he came early.

At 32 weeks i developed a itch on my hands not bad but enough that a midwife noticed and suggested she test my liver function and bile acids to rule out Obstretic Chlosistas (bad spelling) but it makes u itch. She said if there was any problems she would phone back. As she didnt i assumed all was well. They didnt tell me my bile acids where borderline.

Fast forward to 35 weeks the itch came back worse than ever. When i mentioned it to my midwife she said the test was fine and it did not need done again.

By 36 weeks I could not listen i took myself to hospital and asked to be tested . I was told i was overly anxious a silly first time mum etc. But my gut told me I had to act fast. I contacted OC support and printed medical journal after journal and returned to the hospital 3 days in a row till they tested me.

when they took the test they said it was likely fine and i would be reffered to a pyscharsit for my anxiety.

well 3 days later now 37+4 days i got the call.. 'u need to deliver ur baby in the next few days ur bile acids are abnormal'

That night i found myself strapped to a monitor due to a pre existing problem i needed a c section so i was kept in the labour ward and when threatre was free my son was delivered.

It scares me beyond measure to think what the result could of been if i didnt trust my gut.So please always trust ur gut. if something seems off with you or baby scream till you are heard.