My labor pains started about 12:30am and by 1:30 I woke up my husband

My labor pains started about 12:30am and by 1:30 I woke up my husband. I was tracking my contractions but was still partially in denial that my labor had begun. He looked at my app and said I should call my midwife and doula. The both listened to me over the phone and decided to get ready and come to my apartment. By the time my midwife arrived I was having strong contractions on my couch. She asked me to use the restroom and then checked my cervix when I returned to the living room. I had several contractions in the short time it took me to that and I found my mucus plug had come out. My midwife informed me that I was 8 cm and unstructed my birth team to heat water for my pool. My doula arrived and began easing ny nausea and telling me that I was doing a great job. The moment my midwife said I could get ib The pool I stripped down and stepped right in. I dropped to my knees and leaned forward to rest my belly in the water. I had a few more contractions and then felt my water break. Several more contractions, for which my eyes were mostly closed and I focused deep into myself. Suddenly I felt the oressure of my contractions shift and my upper body start to "bear down". I began grunting and pushing while holding one hand on my vagina. I announced that my he y was comibg and with my eyes still closed I listed to my midwife instructing. She said I was doing great and remained patient with me until my next pushing contraction began. As my son began to crown, I could feel my vagina swelling, stretching and allowing my baby's head out. 1st this point my midwife explained to "pant like a dog" when I feel the burning sensation and I immediately began panting. As the contraction subsided I focused on relaxing and allowing my son's head to gently goup a bit. Before I realized it I turnes over from on my knees leaning forward, to lee ing slight back with my left knee in the ground and my right foot down with my right knew bent. I felt his head come out and my midwife told me to gonahead and pull him oit with my bext contraction. I felt resistance, but pulled him with my hands while pushing with my body and contractions. I pulled him up out of the water and brought him to my chest as I leaned back against the pool wall. I was in shock and overwhelmed with what I just accomplished. Love was pouring out of me as I looked at my son in my arms. My husband and 2 year old came to my side and we all beamed with joy and love for eachother.