After being a week overdue, my midwife tried a natural induction with a Foley bulb

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
After being a week overdue, my midwife tried a natural induction with a Foley bulb. When that was semi-unsuccessful (only dilated me to 3cm and I was 1 1/2 before inserting it), I was admitted to the hospital to have my water broken and to be started on oxytocin. Let me just say now; that stuff is awful! I was at 4cm when that was started, and stayed at 4cm for almost 5 hours. The amount of pain was so intense, I was blacking out. I gave in and went for the epidural - and I do not regret that one bit!! I was able to rest and get through labour sanely 😂 After that, things went crazy fast; I went from 5cm at 6pm to 8cm at 9pm, and was ready to push by 10! 48 minutes of pushing, and my son had arrived! So, after a long pregnancy and (what felt like) an even longer labour, Dominic George A. Has finally arrived! He is 8lbs 8oz, 19" long and a full head of black hair! I am crazy sore today, but I wouldn't trade it for the world 💙