Late again😒

I'm always irregular but usually I flucterate between 38-42 day cycles here I am on cycle day 52 -.- on a random day iv had the odd cramp but nothing hat lasts more than a minute tops a week before AF was due I had my usually burst of hormone mood swings where i feel crazy for the day then nothing. It's really aggravating me. I know I'm not pregnant. I havnt taken a test but I don't see the point wasting money when I still feel utterly normal tbh and I just know AF will come whether it be today tomorrow or another week. The only thing that hurts is my boobs a little but depending how and what area you touch them depends on how they hurt. It's just so annoying to have an irregular cycle. Never know when your coming or going! It's even worse when your TTC! Irregular periods get your hopes up every time. Well it used to for me but now pregnancy is the last reason on my list why I would be late these days. Just needed to rant I guess haha.Â