AthenaRose's Home Birth Story:Around 11:50 we went to sleep because we were watching tv, no sign...


AthenaRose's Home Birth Story:

Around 11:50 we went to sleep because we were watching tv, no sign that she was coming so I stuffed myself with cheese it's and cookies. Around 12:50 I had a dream that I was telling my husband I had to pee or something and I felt my butt and it was soaked. So I just yelled to him omg my water broke get up. We both got up and he stripped the bed while I hobbled to the bathroom because there was so much fluid. After changing and remaking the bed I texted my birth team: midwife, assistant, photographer and chiropractor/doula. At first I didn't feel any contractions so I tried to lay down but quickly realized that things were happening and needed some relief. I made my husband start the shower so I could get something to take the edge off but he was also trying to fill the tub so the hot water died quickly. So the shower wasn't working and cam decided to start heating water on the stove. He only got one or 2 pots in the water before I grabbed hold of him because the contractions were super strong and close together. Everyone arrived about when I reached transition and was puking at maybe 3am? I then got in the tub, had a few contractions, told my husband to get in the tub soon, the midwife then told him to hurry up and get in because the baby was coming, I then had maybe 3 or 4 contractions, crying the whole time because it was too fast and I couldn't focus. I tried to keep my voice low and deep but it just didn't happen. Then I felt the need to push. I pushed about twice and then started begging the baby to come out. The third or so push I knew she was coming out and I just pushed as hard as I could until her head came out. My husband was behind me and felt her head come out and kept reassuring me that I was doing amazing. The next contraction I pushed hard and her body flopped out. She had the cord wrapped about 2 times around her neck but was still crying a little. Once out of the water she snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. She was born at 3:51am. Our toddler slept the entire time and we woke him up once we were doing the flower bath, it was love at first sight. He won't stop trying to hold her and kiss her. My heart is so full!