Emergancy c section

Deanna • Im a FTM to a baby girl born April 29 (after being told i could not have children) i plan to stay at home with her :) and im pro breastfeeding!

It was scary but we made it through...

I went into labor at 4 am and was checked at L&D at 9 (1cm) they sent me home and at 4 i went back in because i couldnt manage my pain at home they checked me and i was barely 2cm they were going to send me home. I got up to go to the bathroom when i started having trouble breathing and Marilyn's heart rate dropped... there were 7 different doctors in the room poking me and having me move in different directions... they got her heart rate up again and admited me i recived my epidural when my water broke it was mostly blood so they wisked me off... i had an placenta abruption. Shes ok had low blood sugar and trouble breathing at first