New to the group

Hi everyone. So glad I found this group. I had gestational with my last baby. I have been on metformin since January of '15 for PCOS. My numbers have been fine. I did the one hr test this pregnancy and only passed by two points. He cont the metformin and told me I would most likely have it, he agreed to let me skip the 1 hr test and do the 3 hr next time. I can already feel the differences when I eat crap and also have low blood glucose episodes just like I did with my second baby. SO, as soon as my nausea and vomiting stop or slow I will be going on my diabetic diet in advance. I'm a nurse but it's been about 4 years since I did this last time. I believe my limits we're 45 for meals and 15 for snacks. Does that sound right? I know how to count my carbs and such. So far my blood sugar random checks are all good so I can't use that to balance out my carbs. I will just have to follow the diet as best I can without having feedback from my body except probably feeling better and not stacking on the weight. All my cravings are carb central though right now!!! I hope this time to be able to continue the diet after delivery and get rid of this unwanted weight I have accumulated since having my first child. Good luck to everyone else. I know it's a pain in the rear!!