Needing advice...39 wks tomorrow. Hospital visit last night

Antonette • Im 24 years old and im on baby number 2 ♡ im blessed to have both a boy and a girl!
Went to the hospital last night with the possibility that my water broke due to hushing of fluid 4x, no odor and no coloration. ... (i was last checked on wed and was 2.5-3cm dilated) they checked to try and do a swab ( was dilated to 4) test but i was having a bloody show so it would be a false positive for amniotic fluid. So they did an ulta sound and checked me again after and i was at 4.5 so they said they were keeping me. They checked me again after 2 hrs and i was still a 4.5 so they sent me home even tho my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart but they werent hurting me bad enough i guess. Has anyone else has this happen to them????