Birth story!

I've been having a strange feeling all week that my son was coming. I even told my husband I'm scared to drive alone to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday because I felt like I'll be in labor then. He thought I was being silly but my body was definitely preparing me and I'm so in tune with my body. Well Wednesday morning at 4am I woke up to contractions. At around 6 am they got so strong and together I had my husband then time them since I let him sleep when labor first started. Once they got ten mins apart we called doctor changed to an earlier appointment before hubby had work and he drove me and stayed with me. After doctor was done examining me and watching my contractions he then told us we were going to hospital he believed I was in labor. We went to the hospital my contractions were montiored then when I was examined they tested the fluids coming out of me and I tested positive to my water being broken. I was in labor til about 1am when the decision to have a csection was finalized because baby's heart beat kept dropping every time I had a contraction and i was only dilated to 4cm and was in labor for about 20 hours and there wasn't much progress no matter what we did. So we decided to get baby out. At 1:45am Thursday April 28 2016 my handsome son opened his lungs and cried. My heart was just so full of joy and eyes full of tears. My OB did a phenomenal job with the csection Ive been walking around since the same day at 1pm til now. Baby and I are great and I'm enjoying motherhood. I'm so surprised how well my body was able to tell me all it did. I gave birth at 38+6 baby weighed 8lbs 5oz, 20.5 in long with a head full of beautiful hair. My OB kept telling me he was a big boy and boy was he right. Had I gone til 40 week or past due he would probably be a 9-10 lb baby. 😂❤