Quick Tip for iPhone users!

In case you didn't know, iPhone (and maybe android, but idk) has a Health app where you can input allergies, medications, emergency contact info, info about yourself. You & medical professionals can access it without having to open your phone, so if you're in a bad accident & aren't conscious, they can have access to important life-saving information. (If you lock your phone & slide it to the emergency option, it will say "Medical ID." You can update this info in the Health app.)
I have been keeping it updated throughout my pregnancy just in case anything happens. If nothing else, it gives me a little peace of mind knowing that if something happens & my phone is available, they can know my baby is a priority, how far along I am, what medications I have a bad reaction to, who to contact, my dr, etc.   (Also, there's nothing on there that's TOO personal like a home address, etc)