What's everyone using on their bumps...

Hey ladies, just wondered what cream or oil your all using, and if you have been pregnant previously did it help stop stretch marks? I've been using bio oil but my belly is so itchy not sure if I'm allergic to it!!! :) 
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Posted at
I have been using Palmer cocoa butter. It's my first so don't know if it will work but have been recommended it by a friend. Haven't had any itching yet x


Melissa • May 1, 2016
I've got some of that, I don't really like the smell but I'll have to get over it I guess haha! :) Thankyou for your reply :) X


Posted at
What does everyone think about using coconut oil and almond oil? Heard these are also really good for prevention


Jeanny • May 3, 2016
I tested coconut oil and I really like it. But it's a personal choice, some don't like the smell of it, for me it's ok.


Melissa • May 1, 2016


Melissa • May 1, 2016
I would prefer to use those I'm not a fan of the coco smell but seems that's one of the best! X


Posted at
Cocoa butter. This is my 4th and I have 1 tint stretch mark on my hip n thats it.


🍫🍪 Coco 🍪🍫 • May 1, 2016
and I meant this is my 5th looooool


🍫🍪 Coco 🍪🍫 • May 1, 2016
yup palmers 😊


Melissa • May 1, 2016
Oh seems this is the way to go! Thankyou :):) X