Advice needed on moving in with my boyfriend.

This is going to be a wall of text and I want to go ahead and say thank you to anyone who reads all of it. I'm 18 years old and in a stable relationship with a 19 year old who has a good job with steady income. I am graduating high school this month, applying for jobs related to the field of work I want to go in to, and have already registered for classes at a local community college. I do not have the best home life. I have two younger brothers, one of whom is just 3 months old, and I spend most of my time raising them. I have expressed feelings to my mother and grandmother about how, even though I love them both, they are not my children and raising them is not my responsibility. When talking about these feelings, my mom and grandmother always threaten to kick me out. I feel under appreciated, incredibly stressed, and frustrated. My boyfriend and I would like to move out, and while he has a steady income we don't currently have any money in savings. His parents have invited us to live with them for a little while so that we can save some money before getting a place of our own. Should I move in with them or wait until we save some money up? How do I talk to my mother about me moving out without hurting her feelings or making her mad?