Ovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding?

Mary • Wife , Mother to my 2 old son 3/17/17 and 1 year old Daughter 5/10/18
So since this month was once again a dud I wanted to go to the doctor to atleast get it out of my head that something is wrong. We talked and he suggested PCOS being the issue. I was ready for it. With my irregular and painful periods, I was ready to hear I had it and mentally prepared myself. Anyway got my blood results back today everything was in range. No mention of PCOS. But it says something about ovulatory dysfunctional bleeding. I don't know if this is a fancy way of saying I just have weird periods or another way of saying I do have PCOS. Anyway was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this? I have an appointment on the 12th which he will talk medication with me. I know I just need to wait but I just wanted to know if anyone else has had any kind of experience with this?