Poor Egg Quality in IVF

I just got some bad news on day 5 after our egg retrieval. I had 40 follicles, 30 eggs, 24 mature and 17 we fertilized via ICSI.  I learned on day 3 they were all highly fragmented, she couldn't even count any cells. We learned this morning none made it to day 5.  Has anybody heard of this happening, and then moving to the next cycle with success?! Feeling so defeated by this process!!!
I had 4 IUIs before, in addition to a lap/hysteroscopy for endometriosis. I have a high AMH as well of 9.1.  Just finished our first round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with an antagonist protocol.  Any success stories after fragmentation are very very welcome!!