Seeing someone new.

Sooo this probably just sounds stupid but I need to vent my feelings and possibly get some advice.
So ever since I broke up with my abusive ex I've had big issues with guys, I've been asked on numerous dates but I've turned them all down. My friend introduced me to a male named *Dave a couple of weeks ago,  she'd previously slept with him over a year ago and he "tapped and gapped" her and she warned me about this and a few other things, saying that he's a fuckwit. He also only broke up with his girlfriend two months ago. Anyway, Dave and I have been talking every single day since we met, he came and picked me up and we went for a nice drive last weekend, then we hung out this weekend, he drove 30km to come see me on Saturday night after work (I work nightshift) and we sat up til 7am and watched the sunrise, then the next night he came over again and we sat and stared at the stars for a couple of hours, we ended up hooking up (pashing, whatever you wanna call it). We get along so sooo well and we laugh and joke, theres no awkwardness at all and i feel like we just click. I guess my issue is that I think I'm catching feelings and it scares me, he knows all about my past relationship and is pretty understanding etc, but I'm just scared that he might be full of shit and just says all the right things to try get in my pants. Am i a rebound? Is he gonna tap n gap me too? Is he genuine? Is he actually serious and could be my "one"? Fuuuuck it's doing my head in, I've lost all trust in males. I'm trying to play it cool and go with the flow but its kinda driving me insane. Fuck my ex for making me lke this 😫