Painful sex..


I'm going to post this in a few different groups because I'm not 100% sure of the cause..

A few nights ago my boyfriend and I had sex, and when we were done I got the worse pain I've felt in a while. It felt like really bad period cramps. I just breathed through it and it went away.

The night before last we were having sex, and I got the pain again, but this time right in the middle and I had to ask him to stop so I could curl up into a ball shaking and crying. - within about 10 minutes it fully subsided and I was able to sleep.

Last night it happened again but we were in a different position and I had him stop before it got too bad..

I have endometriosis but I've never had pain like this during sex, my period is due tomorrow and it's my first month off the pill after taking it for about 3 years. (I've stopped the pill before)

Anyone have any idea what might be causing such discomfort? (I see my gynecologist next week)