
So, after trying for 2 years to have a baby I finally got pregnant and then last week. (I was 6 weeks) on Thursday I started bleeding so I went to the ER and they said I have a UTI & a miscarriage. I've been so depressed I don't even wanna do anything. Any advice?
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After my second miscarriage I got so depressed (and noticed it myself) I asked my doc for help. He put me on antidepressants. It was a short time, 8 weeks, but helped SOOOOO much. Just know that everyone processes things differently. Go outside, read a book, be around people you like. Do what you enjoy.Sorry for your loss and best of luck to you in the future!!


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I've had 2 miscarriages with in 4 months. My first found out I was pregnant it was a long miscarriage took a month and a half for them to detect that that's what was happening I was 6 weeks . Got my cycle got pregnant again a few weeks later lost my second baby (5 weeks). It don't get any easier. Just try again.  I didn't wanna talk to anyone stayed in my room except when my husband was at work then I took care of my 2 kids I have now. 


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It's more common than people talk about. About 1 in every 4 pregnancies. I had one at 12 weeks back in August, my first time being pregnant. Had a D&C and got AF about 6 weeks later. Had 2 regular cycles and then got pregnant again. I'm now 24 weeks and due around the same time I lost my last baby. Try again, it will happen when your body is ready again! 


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I'm sorry that happened to me too. Keep trying okay