PCOS handling question

I was diagnosed with PCOS roughly 9 years ago.. I get horrible menstrual cramps and a long heavy flow.. I wish that was the worst part! 
The worse part is I also I get hair between my breasts around my whole abdomen that leads down to my girly bits (as If that didn't make me feel "manly" enough) I also get hair on my lip, chin, under chin, and forehead.  So pretty much It makes me feel like cousin IT's 6th cousin twice removed...sorta 
The hair always made me feel self conscious and I still do feel somewhat self conscious about it.. So I shave and Nair it all off when it gets pretty noticeable..
To top it all off I'm only 5'2" and weigh 192lbs when I was roughly 130lbs before I was diagnosed.. It's hard for me to lose weight and doctors have tried the whole metformin thing and the stuff sadly always gave me side effects.. 
I was on BC but when I entered my 20's I figured I should stay off it since I wanted to be able to TTC as soon as I could without having to wait longer because of the BC being in my system..so I haven't been on BC for roughly the last 2 years and was only using it on and off for the last 3 years before being completely off it .. 
Now that I'm off BC my painful cramping has returned and no matter what I try the pain does not subside with Advil and Tylenol.. Over the past two years I've turned to marijuana to help control the pain and it works great!! The pain fades away! the back pain I get makes it hard to get out of bed and bend, plus I get bad headaches as well so whenever I smoke some marijuana I feel the pain go away and I feel capable of going on white my daily routine.. The stuff also helps me with my emotions.. I tend to have patches of acute depression.. I can be totally fine one moment and the next I'm balling my eyes out over the sink while I'm washing dishes... I don't know why the marijuana works for me but it does..
**I don't mean to make anyone uncomfortable or feel offended with my choosing to speak about my cannabis usage,  everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter what it is.. 
Due to my smoking I have noticed that it helps with my pain due to regular PMS symptoms but also my depression, as well with my ovarian pain which feels like I'm getting stabbed from the inside out.. Cysts are no fun!!
What I'd like to know is if anyone else has tried cannabis to help manage their PCOS? If not have any of you found anything else that's is helpful in relieving the pain.  
How do manage the crappy effects of living with PCOS (e.g acne, excessive body hair, etc.)