Car accident messing my hormones up?!?

So last week on the 28th of April, I was involved in a really bad car accident. I was rear ended by a guy traveling 55+mph. Bless it be, even though I was hit very hard I was able to have a few seconds to brace for impact! It was very hard impact that he caused my car to move forward 15-20feet from the stop location I was at. Lucky for me the moment I was hit from behind the car and truck in front of me moved forward so I didn't smash into anyone else. I did however lose feelings in my arms and legs for a short time and was in shock and had to be moved by EMT services to the hospital. All in all, I was told I am lucky to be alive because many have not been lucky to survive what I have been through and able to leave the hospital the same day. Anyways, I know that trama to the body can cause it to be all out of whack but I was wondering if anyone has been involved in a bad accident and it cause your hormones to go off whack?! What I means is did you ovulate sooner than usual or later?? Did you suddenly have energy when you would always feel tired?! Pretty much did your hormones go off balance and anything that you never experienced before you suddenly had on you out of no where and 10x more intense?? Right now I am still kinda following my cycle, not so much to conceive since my SO and I decided we will just let things be, more for making sure I'm not caught unprepared for the appearance of AF. I will say that according to my 4 apps I have, I'm to ovulate next week. Well, today I noticed that my breasts are very sore. I never have sore breasts until the day after ovulation. I also noticed that I had heavy egg white discharge way before too but thought I was seeing things because these pain meds are really kicking my butt but now I see that it's heavy and lotiony and that's very uncommon especially after ovulation. I'm usually very dry or sticky thick. I think either these pain meds are making me notice things more detailed or that accident caused my body to go off track. Any ways, if anyone has experienced something similar to what I have please share. I have never in my life been in a car accident so I'm not sure what my body will do or surprise me with but just like to know if it's common or if I should see my GYN and get checked out. Thanks again for reading and sorry if it sounds odd but I'm on pain meds until physical therapy is easier to bare.