

So back in September 2015, my husband and I lost our first biological baby when I went into labor at 20 weeks, due to an incompetent cervix. The doctors attempted to do an amnio reduction and a cerclage, but couldn't because my membranes had already ruptured. And less than 24 hours later our son Nicholas was born and lost.

Now we are pregnant for the second time, 13 weeks, and I am scheduled for my required cerclage in just 5 days. I am so terrified of what the outcome will be. All the doctors tell me not to get my hopes up because there are so many things that could go wrong. Yet they talk about how they do cerclages daily that turn out absolutely fine.

I'm freaking out!!

I don't want to think about all the negative things. I just want to be positive that my little boy and I will be just fine, but it is hard when no one else has anything positive or optimistic to say.

Fellow cerclage mommas please share your thoughts and experiences, good or bad . I just want some reassurance and honesty from those who have actually been there and had to go through this as well.