Vagina odor 😕

I don't have sex.Im a virgin but I seem to have a bad odor. I make sure I clean very well each day but it always seems to come back and I haven't told anyone bc I'll be embarrassed. How should I tell my doctor without being embarrassed.Some home remedies would be helpful! Pls help!
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You could have a ph imbalance...or an infection. Don't be embarrassed to talk to your doctor. 9 times out of 10 they have seen and heard worse.


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No. No to all the suggestions so far. Being clean and a virgin has no bearing on your vaginal flora. Go to the doctor and get meds for bacterial vaginitis. There's nothing wrong with having it, no need to be embarrassed. They'll do a pap, confirm the diagnosis, and prescribe the antibiotics. Then take some probiotics and go back to your life. Please don't be embarrassed, this is part of being a woman. 


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I used to insert a lite tampon soaked in peroxide and tea tree oil diluted with water. I also stopped using soap down there. Just wash with a baby wash cloth and warm water.  But I now take ultimate flora probiotics and that helped a lot like I have no more odor . Some times your ph balance gets out of wack. Not always an infection. My odor wasn't fishy but it was "different " than usual. I had NO itchy, burning, excess discharge or green or yellow discharge, just had a different scent 


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Don't be embarrassed to talk to your doctor, they are medical professionals that's their job. Just tell them you have a concern "down there" request a female Doc I'd your more comfortable. Also, keep in mind being "too clean" can cause issues too. Could also be the soap your using. Try summers eve vaginally wash unscented.


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Also you should never try home remedies with such a sensitive area of the body. Thats just asking for trouble.


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You could try adding Apple vinegar to your bath or google some ideas. Summer Eve and  Vagasil are good brands. Try to change undies more often. Sometimes diet can be the reason so try eating cleaner.