
Kind of long but here's a little about my back story. In 2013 I found I was pregnant with my daughter. I actually didn't find out until I was 8 weeks pregnant for a number of reasons. My period was very irregular. My husband had just deployed so I thought I was just stressed and emotional maybe that delayed it. Well I eventually tested because I got sick drinking soda. Well it was positive. Before I found out, I drank, I smoked, I used tanning beds, took pre workout and ect for the gym everything your not supposed to be doing. When I went in for my ultrasound everything was perfect I now have a beautiful 2 year old. 
Fast forward to now me and my husband have been ttc #2 I've had 2 miscarriages one in Feb and one last week. I've completely been healthy, healthy eating, no caffeine, taking my vitamins everything your supposed to be doing right. But how come now that we're trying, it's not happening? How come when we didn't try, when we didn't want kids at the time it happened?
It makes me so upset! I just can't help but feel heartbroken every time I have a miscarriage. I guess what they say is true, when you don't try it'll happen. 😩