Braxton Hicks???

Jesse • 5-15-13 👦🏻 10-20-16 👶🏼 July 2017 👼🏻👼🏻 7-8-19🌈 👶🏼 boy mama 💙💙💙
So this is my 2nd pregnancy and I had to be induced with my first child. I never experienced contractions or Braxton hicks of any sort with my first. Well, now I'm 17 weeks with my second and the past week every evening I'm having cramping/stomach pain for a short period of time all around my belly area. Right above my belly button, below it and around my pelvic area and sometimes along my sides. It gets bad enough where I need to sit until it passes and then after about 10 minutes I'm fine. Is this what Braxton hicks are like?