
So. I know this probly isn't gonna go over too great. Don't care. But anyways. I work at mcdonalds (stuff all your comments about that I'm a manager). I seriously CANNOT STAND IT. When someone orders a happy meal. And I ask them if they want apple slices, gogurt, or an orange for the side. And they come back at me with 'they won't eat any of that, just give them extra fries'

ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL??? Do you know where they learned their eating habits? From YOU! You know where they learned that they can get away with that shit? YOU!!! I just don't get it man. You have to TEACH kids things. INCLUDING HEALTHY EATING HABITS. I just feel like these people are just ASKING for their kids to be unhealthy and overweight. And we wonder why it's such an issue in the US......


Kids meals already come with fries. You get to pick another side. That means when they get a 6-piece and don't get the fruit or yogurt the kid is eating six pieces of fried 'chicken' and two orders of fries. Often with a soft drink.