Anybody have any ideas?

Ok, so I'm not usually the one to post anything.. But last month I did <a href="">IUI</a> and we really thought it would work since they haven't seen anything abnormal (HSG was normal, husbands analysis came back strong). After the procedure they put me on 200 mg of progesterone to help. Well I took a HPT at cycle day 35 and 38 and both negative. I had some spotting (first brown, then reddish.. But never enough to even soak a panty liner) for 5 days. Thought it was because of the progesterone but for the last 3 days I stopped the progesterone and I thought AF would come but so far nothing. I'm nauseous, feel bloated, constipated and emotional... Maybe I'm just trying to hold on to something that's not there... But looking for anything!! 
I have two beautiful step kids that are amazing and I love them to death. I'd trade anything for their happiness, but at the same time I also want them to have a little brother or sister to love.... Hope everyone else is having a beautiful Mother's Day!! ❤️