Amazing Husbands!

Our daughter was born 2½ weeks early. I was in the ER for a kidney stone when my water broke. Unfortunately I have been back to the ER multiple times since giving birth and it has been a rough 2 weeks postpartum but our little Khloee Bug couldn't be healthier! With the unexpected early labor, I had been stressing since we got home because there were a few last minute things I never had a chance to get (diaper bag, monitor, bassinet sheets, stroller, etc.). After delivering, I ended up needing surgery to have my kidney stone removed. This made me stress even more because I couldn't go out and get the things left on my to-do list.  When I was discharged after surgery I came home to a stack of boxes and bags, filling our kitchen table. My amazing hubby got with my sister (because she knew exactly what I wanted) and they went out and picked up everything we still needed. He even surprised me with a diaper bag that I had been gawking at but didn't really need... He cleaned the entire house, and has been so attentive in caring for both me and our almost 3 wk old baby girl. I don't give him as much credit as he deserves so this is just a little way of showing how much I appreciate him. Here's to all of the amazing men in our lives! 
Surprised me with my favorite bag
Stroller for the car seat
Hubby with our baby Khloee