Ttc since July of last year

Krystle • Found the love of my life and I want to share this wonderful experience with him.
My fiancé and I have been having unprotected sex since July of last year. He has two boys who are a year apart so he knows he can have kids and I have gotten pregnant once but had an ectopic pregnancy. I am not sure why I haven't gotten pregnant yet? I went to the doctor and she did a bunch of blood work and everything came out normal I just never thought it would take this long :( I fear that my weird periods are making it difficult for me to have a baby. I am beginning to lose hope but not my fiancé he said that he knows we will have a baby just when the time is right. It's nice but he already has two kids so he is ok and I just feel like a piece is missing I want to give him the little girl he deserves just sometimes I think that maybe stepping aside and letting him find someone who won't have these problems would be better.