Create an embryo to save your child?

Laura 🔬🔭
While on another thread, an interesting question came to mind.. Your child has a life threatening genetic disorder that can be cured with stem cell therapy. Stem cells can be derived from human embryos, and your child needs as close to a match as possible. Your doctor informs you that if she were to do <a href="">in vitro fertilization</a> (fertilization occurs in a dish but never implanted) using your eggs and your husbands sperm, she could use the embryonic stem cells to cure your child of their disorder. (Let's say it's an immune disorder, and the stem cells undergo genetic therapy and later become functioning blood cells to replace your child's non functioning immune blood cells.) 
HOWEVER, this involves creating and destroying you and your husbands embryo. On the other hand it has a 95% chance of saving your child. Let's say there's no other way. Do you do it?