I annouced my pregnancy


So far, the hubby's family knows cause hubby let it slip of course. and my mom knows and my best friend.

I just told my mom and I wasn't expecting her to be happy about it, cause she's been in a bad mood the past two days. She is so happy and being supportive!! Im so glad it makes her happy. She kept rubbing my belly and hugging me. :) my hubby straight thinks she isn't happy about it. I don't know why. But whatever I can tell when my mom is happy or when she's not. And she's happy.

Such a great feeling:) the rest of my family isn't going to know till my grandma gets her gift in the mail from me. Its a baby onesie saying "guess what" I don't trust my other family members enough, they are all terrible at keeping secrets and all about drama so as soon as something happens everyone and their dog knows in the first minute. So they won't know till she gets her gift in the mail, then I'll text all of them the announcement picture once she knows. My grandma means the world to me so of course I want to tell her in a special way. I don't want any other family members opening their mouth and totally messing up my surprise! I trust my parents with a secret.

Ahh so happy :) this baby's already the best thing that's ever going to happen to me and love my little one so much. She/he's going to be so spoiled and loved so much 💜 has a wonderful daddy and mommy. Such a beautiful life ahead of them. November needs to get here quicker😍