I'm about to rant..

Kiana • 22 years old. Nursing Major. Happily married. 👑💍
Okay so I'm not trying to talk shit, but there's a lot of women on here that are afraid to get pregnant. And believe me-- I understand given the circumstances sometimes we're not ready for a baby or for whatever particular reason. I used to be like those girls that stress over being late, but honestly I don't even care anymore. Am I the only one that feels this way? I've never had any babies, but if I were to find out that I were pregnant, I wouldn't be disappointed. I'd be like oh cool, I have a little baby inside me... Maybe it's because a part of me has always dreamed of being a mother, but I just don't think having a baby is the end of the world. Like the way I used to think.. I know that I'm not ready for a child at all and becoming pregnant rn is impossible because I'm still in college. Yet at the same time I'd look forward to a baby. I don't know maybe I'm just growing up..
Sorry if I bored you guys with my random thoughts! 😛✨