Taking antibiotics that are not yours

My MIL seems to believe that whenever you feel somewhat sick, if you take left over antibiotics from someone else's prescription, then you should be all good. I think it's ridiculous. My husband hasn't been feeling that great, most likely a sinus infection, so I told him to just go get a shot at an urgent care and he'll feel better. She then decides to give her input and say "Yeah, just go to the doctor where you'll pay thirty dollars for them to give you the same thing I have." 😑 
I mean come on. She's always given her kids antibiotics that weren't actually theirs, and is like "I've done it all my life and I'm fine. Why don't you listen to your mom anymore?" Basically saying that he's choosing my input over hers, which he should, but now she's pissed at me, even though I've never once argued with her about it. Am I in the wrong with being really annoyed? She just can't seem to let it go.