Holding her too much

So my husband keeps telling me i have already "ruined" our daughter by holding her too much. How can I be holding her too much when I only pick her up to feed,change, and calm her down when upset? He feels she will want to be held constantly if she gets use to it and will cry to be picked up when put down. I think she is too young to actually comprehend that if she cries she will be held as she is under a month old right now. Anybody read any research or articles on if they really will depend on being held if they are too much in the beginning?
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Here is an article citing medical research that supports the need to hold your baby as much as possible for the first 3 months. It's called the fourth trimester and there's a reason your instincts tell you to hold and cuddle your baby, it's the best thing for them physiologically and emotionally. https://www.parentmap.com/article/babys-fourth-trimester-helping-your-baby-make-a-peaceful-transition-from-womb-to-world


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How old is your baby? You can't spoil a baby until they are like 6 months old. It's really important to bond with your baby in the fourth trimester (basically the first 3 months after baby is born). They are brand new to the world and its a big cold place! Enjoy your baby! Snuggle, kiss, rock, whatever you want!! 


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I hold my baby a lot in the evenings, especially when's she's fussy. I work from 8:30-5 so I don't get to see her all day. I don't feel like I'm spoiling her or "ruining" her. She doesn't need to be held all the time. She's okay being in the swing, bouncer or boppy. Sometimes she just likes to be held and I'm okay with that. I love holding her!