24 week appt...early labor symptoms.


Everything went well for the most part. Baby Logan heart rate was 141, and he was kicking away.

I have gained 2 lbs in the passed month but still down from my first appt. I was 151 at 8 weeks and at 24 weeks I am at 145. I lost 10lbs due to stress of losing my 5 year old in March, it's been very hard on me and I know I need to take care of myself better, but it's not easy. Between stress and chasing around my 3 year old and all the things going on from my son passing, it's just been unexplainable.

My previous 2 pregnancies I delivered at 34 weeks and then 34 weeks and 1 day so they expect it to happen again.

My doctor has pushed for progesterone injections but I was transferring my insurance so I wasn't covered at the time and they were just way too expensive and by time my insurance picked up, it was passed the time they start them. Needless to say my doctor is not happy about it at all.

I'm switching to a new OB that's closer to me, I've been traveling an hour to see my current and with me getting ready to start my biweekly appts it's just too much of a drive.

I did have a fetal fibronectin test done and that came back negative. From what I've read it tests for preterm labor within 14 days. So I'm not expected to deliver in the next two weeks thank goodness.

I have started preterm labor symptoms but the specialist thinks I will carry until 34 weeks and then deliver just like I did with Bradley and Connor.

Has anyone else had the ffn done? How often do they do it? And was it accurate for all of you who did have it? I'm just not completely sure how it works. The doctor didn't say much.