How can this get 200 views but no comments...

Hello ladies! I was just wondering if anyone can help me. I'm 39 weeks today and honestly feeling like I'm going to go overdue and I've finally think I've excepted it. So now nothing even makes me think labor. I've been having cramping on and off the last two days (so intense they stop me in my tracks sometimes and I have to lean on something), I feel like I have to go number 2 but when I try and push to go it hurts to bad in my lady parts that I literally can't handle it, and today my breasts have been really sore. Which is weird cause usually only my nipples get sensitive and that's it. I squeezed the one that was in the most pain and I have a crazy amount of colostrum but it's very yellow/cloudy, not clear liquid like usual. I had to drain a crazy amount to make it feel even a little better and about 3 hours later it hurt again and I realized they are both VERY engorged, like nothing I've ever seen before (they were not like this yesterday). I'm wondering if this is a sign of labor? My stomach does get very tight and painful but I only really notice when I'm walking because it makes it hard to walk, like my legs freeze up. But they aren't at all as painful as what I imagine labor contractions to be. I'm a FTM. Any input would be well appreciated :) sorry for another "I'm crampy, am I in labor?!" Post ❤️❤️
To whomever comments, thank you. I don't understand why some people refuse to take time to answer. I answer everything I can on here. Because isn't that what we are here for? We aren't here to comment about tattoos or cheating spouses and gossip and start fights. We are here to help each other. But I don't see any of that anymore.